Coming back to work after a long holiday can evoke mixed feelings of excitement and uncertainty. It’s not uncommon to feel this whirlwind of emotions.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

You’re not alone in feeling this way.

Whether you’re a teacher or in any other profession, a smooth transition is pivotal. Let’s dive into a few strategies to make this transition smoother.

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Here’s how you can prepare:

Gradual Transition

  • Wake-Up Call: Adjusting your sleeping pattern a few days before returning can alleviate that jarring feeling from the early morning alarm.
  • Work-Related Activities: Reading up on pending emails or revising your upcoming week’s lesson plan can gently immerse you back into the workflow.
Photo by Michael Burrows on

Organize Your Space for a Fresh Start

  • De-clutter: A tidy workspace can boost productivity. Begin with sorting out papers, books, or files that may have piled up.
  • Essential Tools: Ensure all necessary resources are within arm’s reach to prevent feeling overwhelmed.

Sharpen Your Mind: Stay Stimulated

  • Dive into a Book: Reading an educational article or a chapter of an informative book can stimulate your brain.
  • Puzzles & Quizzes: Engage in a crossword puzzle or a quiz related to your work field; it’s fun and mentally invigorating.
Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush on

Physical Preparedness: The Power of Wellness

  • Balanced Diet: Consuming nutrient-rich foods improves cognitive function. Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins are particularly beneficial.
  • Sleep’s Role: Adequate sleep is crucial. It not only rejuvenates you but also sharpens memory, attention, and decision-making.

Setting Priorities: Know What’s Up Ahead

  • To-do Lists: List down immediate tasks. This creates clarity and reduces anxiety.
  • Anticipate Meetings: Mark important dates or meetings on your calendar to avoid last-minute rushes.
Photo by Monstera on

Seek Support: You’re Not Alone

  • Connect with Colleagues: A simple chat can help share feelings and gain insights.
  • Team Meetings: If possible, schedule a casual gathering before work officially kicks off. It breaks the ice and eases everyone into the work groove.

Embrace Change and Overcome Challenges:

  • Stay Updated: Familiarize yourself with any changes that occurred during your absence.
  • Challenges: Whether it’s catching up on missed work or adjusting to new protocols, identify potential hurdles. Create a game plan to tackle each challenge efficiently.

In Conclusion: Transitioning back to work post-holiday requires a blend of mental, physical, and emotional readiness. By incorporating these strategies, not only will you overcome initial hurdles, but you’ll also find yourself thriving in your professional space. Remember, every end is a new beginning. Embrace the journey, and here’s to a seamless return to work!

Photo by Prateek Katyal on

Remember, you’ve done this before, and you can do it again!

Happy working!

Hey there, friends!

As you all know, I’m super passionate about game development and graphic design, but did you know I have a secret love for drawing and coloring pages too? 😄 Today, I want to share my journey of starting an Etsy shop, where I offer unique and high-quality digital coloring pages.

So, here’s the story! I’ve been working at a school since 2005 and noticed that a lot of students were really into my drawings. They’d constantly ask me to sketch things for them. Eventually, I couldn’t keep up with all the requests, so I started photocopying my drawings and handing them out. 😅

Fast forward to 2023, I was inspired to start my Etsy shop because I’ve seen students, friends, and family enjoying my coloring pages. Plus, I’m super into artificial intelligence, so I thought, why not combine AI-generated images with my own creative skills to make some amazing coloring pages? 😍

What makes my pages extra special is the time and effort I put into perfecting each design. I start with AI-generated images, and then I work my magic in Photoshop to create something truly unique and high-quality. This process lets me bring you coloring pages that are fun, engaging, and cater to all kinds of interests. 🎨

And guess what? Since opening my Etsy shop, I’ve gotten three 5-star reviews and made a total of 22 sales! Woohoo! 🥳 I’m so grateful for the positive feedback and can’t wait to create even more awesome coloring pages for you all.

So, if you’re into game development, graphic design, or just love to relax with a beautiful coloring page, I’d be thrilled if you’d check out my Etsy shop I’m super proud of my journey and can’t wait to share my passion with others who appreciate art, design, and the pure joy of coloring. 😊

For a 50% off Discount, use the promo code VERYVIKING at checkout to get everything in my shop at half price! 🤪

Hey there, fellow readers!

As a game designer and educator who loves to find new ways to engage my students, I’ve recently discovered Roblox Studio.

This awesome game development platform has become a fantastic addition to my classroom! In today’s blog post, let me tell you why Roblox Studio has been a game-changer for me and how you, as a parent, can jump in and have fun with your kids using this tool.

Photo by Gustavo Fring on

Roblox Studio offers so many cool opportunities for students to learn game design, programming, and teamwork in a fun and interactive way. To give you an idea, here’s a quick list of pros and cons of using Roblox Studio in the classroom:


  1. Engages students: Taps into students’ interests, boosting motivation and participation.
  2. Teaches programming: Kids learn Lua scripting and develop computational thinking skills.
  3. Encourages creativity: Fosters problem-solving, critical thinking, and artistic abilities.
  4. Supports collaboration: Students work together on projects and learn from one another.
  5. Adaptable to subjects: Roblox Studio can be used for teaching different subjects, not just computer science.


  1. Learning curve: A bit challenging at first for students and teachers new to programming.
  2. Technical requirements: Needs a stable internet connection and up-to-date computers.
  3. Classroom management: Keeping students focused on tasks can be tricky due to the open-ended platform.
  4. Online safety concerns: Teachers must keep an eye on student interactions for appropriateness.
  5. Time constraints: Juggling time effectively to finish projects and cover the curriculum.

Our Classroom Experience with Roblox Studio: I recently had my students work on a project called “Treasure Island Adventure” in Roblox Studio over four lessons. The goal was to create a small island where players had to solve puzzles and navigate obstacles to find hidden treasure. Students worked in teams, with each team focusing on a different aspect of the game, such as level design, scripting, or creating custom assets. They loved the hands-on experience and the chance to build something they could be proud of!

How Parents Can Have Fun with Their Kids Using Roblox Studio: Want to dive in and support your child’s learning journey with Roblox Studio? Here are some tips to help you bond and have a blast with your kiddo using this platform:

  1. Learn together: Explore Roblox Studio and Lua scripting with your child. It’s a great way to spend quality time together and learn something new.
  2. Encourage creativity: Cheer on your child’s creative efforts, offer helpful feedback, and chat about their ideas.
  3. Set goals and challenges: Help your child set achievable goals and create fun challenges to keep them motivated.
  4. Monitor online interactions: Make sure your child stays safe online by keeping an eye on their interactions and discussing online safety.
  5. Celebrate achievements: Applaud your child’s accomplishments, no matter how big or small, and encourage them to keep learning.
Photo by Julia M Cameron on

In Conclusion: Roblox Studio has opened up a world of opportunities for our students to learn and grow in game design and programming. By incorporating this platform into your classroom or supporting your child’s learning journey, you can help them develop valuable skills and foster a lifelong love for game design. Keep checking for more game design insights, updates on my game designs, and my work in Unity3D and Construct.

11 simple and easy tricks for Unity3d 2d game development.

Are you looking for ways to improve your 2D games in Unity3D? Check out these useful tricks for optimizing performance, creating compelling visuals, and enhancing gameplay

1. Use the Sprite Packer to improve performance by packing multiple sprites into a single texture atlas.

The Sprite Packer can improve the performance of your 2D game by reducing the number of draw calls required to render the sprites, which can help improve the frame rate of your game. To use the Sprite Packer, first select the sprites you want to include in the atlas by either selecting them in the Project window or in the Scene view. Then, go to “Edit > Pack Sprites” or right-click the selected sprites and choose “Pack Sprites” from the context menu. This will create a new sprite atlas asset in your project that contains all the selected sprites. You can then use this atlas in your game by assigning it to a Sprite Renderer component as the “Sprite” field.

2. Use Sorting Layers and Order in Layer to control the rendering order of sprites.

Sorting Layers and Order in Layer are particularly useful when you have sprites that overlap and you want to ensure that they are drawn in the correct order. For example, you might want to ensure that a character sprite is always drawn in front of the background. To use Sorting Layers and Order in Layer, first create a new Sorting Layer by going to “Edit > Project Settings > Tags and Layers” and adding a new layer in the “Sorting Layers” list. Then, select the Sprite Renderer component of the game object you want to change the rendering order of, and set the “Sorting Layer” field to the layer you just created. You can then use the “Order in Layer” field to specify the rendering order within that layer, with lower values being rendered first.

3. Use Sprite Masks to hide or reveal parts of sprites.

Sprite Masks are useful for creating a variety of visual effects, such as vignette effects around the edges of the screen or revealing parts of a sprite as it is collected by the player. To use Sprite Masks, first create a new Sprite Mask component by selecting “Component > Miscellaneous > Sprite Mask” in the menu or by right-clicking the component list in the Inspector and choosing “Sprite Mask” from the context menu. You can then assign a sprite to the “Mask Graphic” field to use as the mask. Any objects that are behind the mask will be hidden from view, while objects in front of the mask will be visible.

4. Use Sprite Animations to create simple animations by flipping through a series of sprites.

Sprite Animations are a quick and easy way to create simple animations such as character movement or object interactions. To use Sprite Animations, first create a new Animation Clip by going to “Asset > Create > Animation” in the menu or by right-clicking in the Project window and choosing “Create > Animation” from the context menu. Then, select the Sprite Renderer component of the game object you want to animate, and drag the Animation Clip asset onto the “Animation” field in the Inspector. You can then use the Animation window (Window > Animation) to create a series of keyframes that flip through different sprites to create the animation.

5. Use Physics Materials to control the physics properties of colliding objects, such as bounciness and friction.

Physics Materials are useful for creating realistic physical interactions, such as a ball bouncing off a surface or an object sliding along a floor. To use Physics Materials, first create a new Physics Material asset by going to “Asset > Create > Physics Material” in the menu or by right-clicking in the Project window and choosing “Create > Physics Material” from the context menu. Then, assign the Physics Material asset to the “Material” field of the Collider component on the game object you want to modify the physics properties of. You can then adjust the “Bounciness” and “Friction” properties of the Physics Material to control how it reacts to collisions.

6. Use Box Colliders and Polygon Colliders to define the shape of game objects and control how they interact with other objects in the scene.

Box Colliders and Polygon Colliders are used to define the shape of game objects and control how they interact with other objects in the scene. To use Box Colliders and Polygon Colliders, add a Collider component to the game object you want to define the shape of. Select either the “Box Collider 2D” or “Polygon Collider 2D” option from the “Type” dropdown to specify the type of collider you want to use. For Box Colliders, adjust the “Size” and “Offset” properties to control the shape. For Polygon Colliders, use the “Edit Polygon” button to manually specify the shape by clicking to add points.

7. Use Layer-Based Collision Detection to control which game objects can collide with each other.

Layer-Based Collision Detection allows you to control which game objects can collide with each other. To use Layer-Based Collision Detection, first create a new layer by going to “Edit > Project Settings > Tags and Layers” and adding a new layer in the “User Layers” list. Then, select the game objects you want to include in the layer and set the “Layer” field in the Inspector to the new layer. You can then use the “Layer Mask” field of the Collider component to specify which layers the collider should collide with.

8. Use Trigger Colliders to create events that are triggered when a game object enters or exits a collider.

Trigger Colliders are used to create events that are triggered when a game object enters or exits a collider. To use Trigger Colliders, add a Collider component to the game object you want to use as the trigger, and check the “Is Trigger” checkbox in the Inspector. You can then create a script that contains a function with the “OnTriggerEnter2D” or “OnTriggerExit2D” signature, and attach the script to the game object. This function will be called whenever another collider enters or exits the trigger collider.

9. Use Raycasts to detect objects in the scene and perform actions based on their presence or absence.

Raycasts are used to detect objects in the scene and perform actions based on their presence or absence. To use Raycasts, you can use the “Raycast” function of the “Physics2D” class, which returns a “RaycastHit2D” object containing information about the object that was hit by the ray. You can use this information to perform actions such as detecting when the player clicks on an object or when an enemy collides with a wall.

10. Use Particle Systems to create special effects such as explosions, smoke, and sparks.

Particle Systems are used to create special effects such as explosions, smoke, and sparks. To use Particle Systems, first create a new Particle System by going to “GameObject > Particle System” in the menu or by right-clicking in the Hierarchy and choosing “Particle System” from the context menu. You can then use the Inspector to customize the appearance and behavior of the Particle System, such as the type of particles, the emission rate, and the lifetime of the particles.

11. Use Tilemaps to quickly create levels using pre-made tiles, and use Tilemap Colliders to define the shape of your level and make it interact with other objects in the scene.

Tilemaps are used to quickly create levels using pre-made tiles. To use Tilemaps, create a new Tilemap by going to “GameObject > 2D Object > Tilemap” in the menu or by right-clicking in the Hierarchy and choosing “2D Object > Tilemap” from the context menu. Customize the properties of the Tilemap in the Inspector, such as the size of the tiles and the offset of the grid. Use the Tile Palette window (Window > 2D > Tile Palette) to create and paint tiles onto the Tilemap. To make the Tilemap interact with other objects in the scene, add a Tilemap Collider component to the Tilemap game object. This will create a collider for each tile in the Tilemap, allowing other colliders to interact with them.

Photo by ThisIsEngineering on

By using these tricks, you can take advantage of powerful features such as the Sprite Packer, Sorting Layers, Sprite Masks, and more to elevate your 2D games to the next level. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, these tips and techniques can help you get the most out of Unity3D.

Hey there fellow game developers!

If you’re in need of some roguelike monster graphics for your next project, I’ve got you covered.

I’m giving away a bunch of high quality, free monster graphics that would be perfect for any roguelike game. There’s a variety of different monsters to choose from, so you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your game.

And if you need any help incorporating them into your project, I’m happy to offer assistance.

So if you’re looking for some free, roguelike monster graphics, be sure to check out my website. I’m confident you’ll find exactly what you need.

Happy developing!

When it comes to game development, there are a lot of different tools and software that you can use – some of which are free. In this blog post, I’m going to take a look at the top five free software for game development, so that you can get started on your next project.

1. Unity 3D

Unity 3D is a powerful game engine that can be used for a variety of different game genres. It’s also free to download and use, making it a great option for beginner and experienced developers alike.

2. Unreal Engine 4

Unreal Engine 4 is another popular game engine that offers high-end graphics and features. It’s also free to download and use, although you’ll need to pay a 5% royalty on any games that you release.

3. Godot

Godot is a free and open source game engine that’s designed for 2D and 3D game development. It’s easy to use and learn, making it a great option for those just getting started with game development.

4. GameMaker

GameMaker is a popular game development tool that allows you to create 2D games with ease. It has a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to use, even for those with no programming experience.

5. Construct 2

Construct 2 is another great option for those looking to create 2D games. It’s easy to use and comes with a lot of great features, making it a great choice for beginner and experienced developers alike.

I recently came across a new mmorpg while searching for a game to play. Turned out I didnt really enjoy the game very much. Primarily because of some gameplay elements that just didn’t sit well with me. After some consideration, it is an indie mmo, made by a solo-developer afterall, I decided to write a review for the game.

Bashing some Minotaur faces in with my enchanted hammer.

My review was noticed by the developer and they got in touch with me about the review and the feedback I had provided, and I must admit, this action by the developer really changed my view of the game. I still thought it was pretty bland and boring, but the developer was geniuine in their communication, and I was convinced to put more time into it, and to help out with any feedback I could.

or visit this link

After about a week of communicating back and forth, and airing my thoughts and game design ideas for the future of the game, I started seeing more and more potential. The developer would frequently, even daily, update me on the development progress, and I was even invited onto the test-server to give my thoughts on the current build.

Posing for a picture behind the dungeon entrance in one of the zones of Slay Together.

The company behind the Slay Together game is Owl Tribe Entertainment, and when they created a Patreon for monetizing and supporting their game, opportunity struck. I was asked to do the Patreon Supporter Graphics, and lo and behold, here they are!

Patreon Supporter Graphics for the Slay Together MMO

I created the graphics with the vector program Affinity Designer. It has been my go-to vector art program for the past couple of years. I find it much more user friendly and can work a lot faster with Affinity Designer than I ever could with Adobe Illustrator. The fact that Affinity Designer has a one-time fee, as opposed to the subscription-based model that Adobe runs, was also a huge factor in my switch over to the Affinity Platform.

Almost…  🤩 

That is to say, you can try it now, if you have an Android Device and access to the Google Play Store.

Star Dasher is now in Open Beta, meaning you can join the beta test and play my new mobile game before it officially releases.  😎 

It is a 3d Endless Runner where you control a spaceship with your finger, moving it across the screen to avoid incoming obstacles while picking up coins. Spend your hard earned credits to unlock new spaceships that allow you score more points and get further into the game.

Star Dasher originally started as a learning experience for me, where I wanted to learn how to make an android mobile game and also learn how to publish an android game to the Google Play store.

I’ve spent roughly 2 months on it, and it is safe to say that the 90/10 rule was in full effect. I am not finished with the game, but it’s quite obvious at this point that the last 10% of the game, finishing it, polishing it, bug fixing it, is going to take up 90% of the game’s production time.  😵 

So if you’re an Android User and want to play an endless runner where actually get points for narrowly dodging things, give Star Dasher Open Beta a go and let me know what you think. Help me test it before It is released next month.

Thank you very much! ❤️ 

Play Star Dasher on Google Play
Play Star Dasher on Google Play

/Tastygraph over and out    👨‍💻 

How do you make a 2D Endless Runner Game in Unity?

I see this question every day.

Have a look at this search on youtube, that place is packed with a gazillion tutorials on every subject and more!

“How do I know if the tutorials are good?” you might ask?

Well, you cant really know for sure. After a while you’ll learn which Youtubers are great, like BlackThornProd, and which are AMAZING like Brackeys.

BUT… Sometimes you just want to have it all in one place, and that’s where SkillShare saves the day.

You can learn all kinds of things there, like Marketing, Programming, Drawing, Design, Game Development, even things like Instagram or getting into specifics on programs like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

Why am I showing you this?

‘Cause my Free Spacerunner graphics pack was recently used in a SkillShare course by SandS Arts and I wanted to share it with you all 😀
So check out the course at SkillShare and get 2 free months of premium where you can learn anything you want!

Hi all, its that time of the decade! Tastygraph makes a post!

I released a totally FREE game art pack. You can use it for whatever you want, be it a free project, or a commercial project, anything! Its yours to use 🙂

When you’re done using it, and your game is a massive hit (or not) then let me know! I would love to see what you come up with.

The pack contains 1 character, 2 power items, 3 obstacles to dodge and a background that tiles both vertically and horizontally.

Space Guy Tries To Dodge Meteors, Satellites, and Electronics while picking up Fancy Glowy Vials.

So check it out, make a game, and let your friends and frienemies know all about it 😀